Falls into the Family genre, my new feature length narrative project

Hello dear friends, I hope all is well with you and yours. I have been busy, but all is well..

I am launching a new fundraising campaign for my first feature length narrative with the working title “An Alien of Immigrant Intent”. I  started writing the screenplay in 2012. All writers out there know very well that writing is all about revision. I am content with my screenplay and ready to plan production which is another detailed oriented process. But with proactive action and hard work, it can be done on schedule..

I held auditions on September 28th and received an overwhelming number of interest. I promised I will notify all talent by the first week of November tops. Now is the time for fundraising which will take several months. Production will be planned in February of 2015, ideally assuming all funding is in place.

Filmmaking equipment has become so inexpensive nowadays, it is a blessing. But still, I want to pay crew and cast, ensure those shots that I have envisioned. During film-school days my actors contributed for free and I am grateful. But I am no longer a student. I am professional filmmaker that works a few real world jobs to secure a humble living.

What a blessing to design my own life path this way. It is not easy, but it is manageable, as with everything else in life 🙂

Below the link of my Indiegogo campaign. I chose this site this time because the funds, no matter what, can go directly to the cause. And I need all the help I can receive..


Please feel free to share with your friends, family, contribute if you find the project of your liking

All the best,
